Mobility in the Euro-Med Region

Episode 19

Mobility in the Euro-Med Region

In this episode, Prof. Michael Collyer, a geographer at the University of Sussex tells us about the different narratives people employ when talking about migration and borders. According to French sociologist Abdelmalek Sayad, immigration policy reveals how a state “thinks of itself,” and a lot can be gleaned about Morocco, Collyer says, through understanding how it approaches migrant populations living within its borders. Through discussing different narratives hoisted upon migrants—such as victimization, rebellion and autonomy – Collyer sheds light on the motivations behind changing migration policies both in Morocco, the African Union, the European Union and beyond. The TangierAmerican Legation Institute of Moroccan Studies (TALIM) was pleased to welcome Prof. Collyer on October 9, 2017,  over a decade after he taught in the Geography Department at Université Abdelmalek Essadi in Tetouan over a decade ago. Mr. Sam Metz, a Tangier-based Fulbright Scholar (2016-2017), working in migrant communities, moderated the event.

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We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at au College of William & Mary, for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast.

 Suggested Readings:

Collyer, Michael. 2016. “Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Unionbilateral relations with southern Mediterranean countries.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42(4): 606-624. 

Collyer, Michael. 2012. “Migrants as strategic actors in the EU's globalapproach to migrationand mobility.” Global Networks. 12(4): 505-524. 

Collyer, Michael. 2010. “Stranded migrants and the fragmented journey.” Journal of Refugee Studies. 23(3): 273-293. 

Collyer, Michael and Hein de Haas. 2012. “Developing Dynamic Categorisations of Transit Migration.” Population, Space and Place. 18(4): 468-48. 

Collyer, Michael and Russell King. 2016. “Narrating Europe’s migrationand refugee ‘crisis'.” Human Geography: a new radical journal. 9(2): 1-12. 

Collyer, Michael and Russell King. 2015. “Producing transnational space: international migration and the extra-territorial reach of state power.” Progress in Human Geography. 39(2): 185-204. 

Collyer, Michael and Russel King. 2012. “Transnational space: territory, mobility and technology.” Working Paper. Malmö University, Malmö.

Collyer, Michael, Franck Düvell, and Hein de Haas. 2011. “Critical Approaches to Transit Migration.” Population, Space and Place. 18(4): 407-414.

Collyer, Michael, Maria Mancinelli, and Fabio Petito. 2017. “Humanitarian corridors: safe and legal pathways to Europe.” University of Sussex in partnership with the Community of Sant’Egidio.

Collyer, Michael, Myriam Cherti, Thomas Lacroix, and Anja van Heelsum. 2009. “Migration and Development: The Euro-Moroccan Experience.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 35(10): 1555-1570. 

King, Russell, Richard Black, Michael Collyer, Anthony Fielding, and Ronald Skeldon. 2010. The Atlas of Human Migration: Global Patterns of People on the Move. Earthscan: London. 

Samers, Michael and Michael Collyer. 2016. Migration. Routledge: London. 

Sayed, Abdelmalek. 1999. « Immigation et "pensée d’État" ». Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales. 129: 5-14.