Tuning in to Morocco’s “Recitational Revival”
Episode 66
Tuning in to Morocco’s “Recitational Revival”
Tuning in to Morocco’s “Recitational Revival”

Engaging fieldwork at a variety of institutions, including new and pre-existing schools and state radio, in this Podcast, Ian VanderMeulen, doctoral candidate in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University, maps an institutional framework of this revival and describes some of its core elements. In particular, he compares and contrasts the work going on at two institutions of qira’at study, the state-funded Ma‘had Muhammad Assadiss lil-dirasat wal-qira’at al-Qur’aniyya in Rabat, and the private Madrasat Ibn al-Qadi lil-qira’at in Sale. Taking inspiration from the growing field of 'sound studies,' and grounding his fieldwork in historical research on tajwid, the qira’at, and the history of sound recording, Ian suggests that the sahwa tajwidiiyya is less a 'revival' of previous practices of recitation per se, but a refashioning of such practices and their pedagogies through the application of new technologies, from modern classroom whiteboards to digital studio recording.
A performing musician, Ian holds bachelor’s degrees in music and religious studies from Oberlin College and an M.A. from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. His research in France and Morocco has been funded by NYU’s Graduate Research Initiative and the American Institute for Maghrib Studies.
This podcast was recorded at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM) on February 7, 2019.
Suggested Readings
Bates, Eliot. 2016. Digital Tradition: Arrangement and Labor in Istanbul’s Recording Studio Culture. Oxford University Press.
Benmahan, Ahmed. 2014. Al-Tajwīd al-muyassar, b-riwāyat Warsh ‘an Nāfi‘ min tarīq al-Azraq.
Al-Tab‘a al-thālitha. Rabāt: al-Iydā ‘ al-Qānuni.
Denny, F. M. 2000. “Tad̲j̲wīd.” in Encyclopaedia of Islam (2nd ed, Vol 10). Bearman, Bianquis, Bosworth, van Donzel, and Heinrichs, Eds. Leiden: Brill.
Feld, Steven and Donald Brenneis. 2004. “Doing Anthropology in Sound.” American Ethnologist. 31(4): 461-74.
Hirschkind, Charles. 2006. The Ethical Soundscape: Cassette Sermons and Islamic
Counterpublics. New York: Columbia University Press.
Nelson, Kristina. 2002 [1986]. The Art of Reciting the Qur’an. Cairo: American University of Cairo
Paret, R., “Ḳirāʾa”, in Encyclopaedia of Islam (2nd ed, Vol 10). Bearman, Bianquis, Bosworth, van Donzel, and Heinrichs, Eds. Leiden: Brill.
Rassmussen, Anne K. 2010. Women, the Recited Qur’an, and Islamic Music in Indonesia.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Sterne, Jonathan, Ed. 2012. The Sound Studies Reader. New York: Routledge.
______. 2003. The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.
al-Timsimānī, Muhammad bin Ahmed Huhuwar. 2013. Tarājim Qurrā’ al-Maghrib al-Aqsā,
khilāl al-qarnayn al-thāni ‘ashar wa al-thālith ‘ashar al-hijjrīyin. Tangier: Dar al-Hadīth
al-Wafī, Ibrahīm. 1999. al-Dirāsāt al-Qur’āniyya bil-Maghrib fil-qarn al-rābi‘ ‘ashr al-hijrī. al-
Dār al-Baydā’: Dār al-Thaqāfa al-Maghribiyya.